Horse Training

Training horses to drive and teaching people to drive them comes naturally for someone with years of teaching experience and even more years of driving horses.

Using small steps in a horse-centered approach, the foundations of driving training are developed: respect, responsiveness and relaxation. These three “R’s” are standards of achievement throughout every phase of training, whether at halter, in harness while long lining, or while hitched to a breaking cart.

Good manners are required of the horse and fairness and consistency are given in return. The horse will learn to respond to the commands of whoa, walk, trot and back through positive reinforcement. When he can do a task and stay relaxed and confident, he is ready to move on to the next step.

By the time he is ready to be hitched, the horse will have had so many good experiences that pulling a cart is just one more positive experience in the continuum of driving training.

Horse owners who have little or no driving experience are encouraged to take lessons, too, first using our veteran driving horses, and later their own.

Services We Offer

Sleigh Rides

Enjoy a unique Wisconsin winter experience with family and friends.

Carriage Service

Add a memorable experience to your wedding or special event.

Horse Training

We're experts at training horses to drive and teaching people to drive them well.


We specialize in training people to drive horses. We also provide riding lessons.

Want to hire us for your equestrian needs?